Thursday, August 03, 2006

Economics of Bur Use.

The second you touch a bur in order to re-use it, you have just lost money. Forget about attempting to calculate the hourly wage of your employee and equating how many burs they can sterilize in a given amount of time. That is a calculation that does not yield a true answer.

There are many other factors that weigh in on net profitability and the most efficient way to use burs.

I sell the Samurai. It withstands autoclavings. If dentists would like to re-use it, they most certainly can. It is, in fact the only dentate bur I know of that can withstand autoclavings without being severely degraded.

Even so, I wouldn't recommend re-using any bur with few exceptions. Re-using burs is a costly way to perform dentistry as well as being a more frustrating and time consuming way


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